3M VHB tapes
Sealpilot die-cuts and converts a variety of 3M VHB (Ultra High Bond) tapes into custom shapes and widths.
3M VHB tapes are made from acrylic foam that provides excellent strength and durability for demanding applications. The foam is viscoelastic in nature and utilizes energy absorption and stress relaxation properties, which give the tape its unique properties.
Completely closed-cell foam tapes are used for applications that bond with dynamic forces on the outside and under extreme conditions. The degree of adhesion achieved enables VHB to replace non-tape fastening methods such as mechanical fasteners, liquid adhesives, and other permanent fasteners. Sealotide is a preferred supplier to 3M and utilizes a variety of cutting methods to ensure your products meet your desired shape and size with the highest precision.
Better design, more flexibility, and faster turnaround
Sealpilot's precision die-cutting capabilities enable VHB tapes to fit any shape, size, or contour while helping to minimize assembly time. The special tape also accommodates irregularities in all rigid substrates, maintaining high internal strength even when slight mismatches may be present.
Sealpilot's complete in-house tooling and tooling capabilities enable production cycles to be significantly shortened. We have a large stock of materials, and our precision cutting services promise the highest performance for your products.
Strength and durability
The all-acrylic construction of 3M VHB Tapes offers the following benefits:
●Able to bond immediately with high clamping strength under static/dynamic stress
● Viscoelastic properties absorb shocks and thus reliably resist wind, vibration, and other stresses
● Resistant to extreme temperatures, UV rays, moisture and solvents
●Sealing performance under environmental conditions
●Prevent bimetallic corrosion
●Eliminate pull-through, indentation and welding deformation
In testing, VHB was shown to have a peel adhesion retention rate of 92% after aging at 150°F for more than 5 years. The initial tack and liner peel properties remain excellent, proving that a roll of VHB tape can withstand periodic, long-term exposure to high temperatures. Other tape durability tests were also conducted to demonstrate the heat resistance, moisture resistance, and UV exposure of VHB tapes.
耐低温软四氟 膨体软四氟垫片/ Expanded PTFE-EPTFE防腐蚀密封垫片
BD-7088 EPFTE 膨胀聚四氟乙烯是一种完美的防腐蚀密封垫片,用于密封玻璃和塑料法兰和压力容器。即使在极端条件下,材料也显示出非常低的压缩蠕变。大多数情况下,膨胀聚四氟乙烯用于石化,食品和制药工业,温度范围为-240°C至+ 270°C。耐低温垫片。¥ 0.00详情点击
柏德耐油纤维纸垫,中等性能的无石棉密封材料,具有优良的强度,质地较为柔软,蠕变性能适中,压缩率较大,耐油和耐燃料性能优异,密封性能较强,成型垫片及板材均可供应。¥ 0.00详情点击
sealpilot®高质量的无石棉垫片材料板(PNG8108/BD8108、PNG8208/BD8208系列),由芳纶,玻璃,有机,无机或碳纤维,NBR丁腈橡胶作为粘合剂和不同的填料组成。 具有不同化学,耐热和机械阻力的纤维垫片可以承受不同的载荷,即使是最苛刻的条件。在sealpilot®产品系列的耐油垫圈,耐高温垫片中,您可以找到满足您需求的完美密封材料。¥ 0.00详情点击
耐油软木橡胶密封垫片Cork Rubber Gaskets
耐油软木橡胶是由天然橡胶或合成橡胶与软木合成的硫化产物,是高分子材料中一种新型复合材料。适用于缝纫机垫片,变压器垫片¥ 0.00详情点击